PIANO FESTIVAL

Malaga International Piano festival

      JULY 18TH TO 26TH  




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Since     the     beginning     of     his     career,     Spanish-born     pianist     Juan     Lago     has     attained    
numerous     prizes     in     the     foremost     piano     competitions     in     Spain.     Most     recently,     he    
has     been     awarded     at     the     XXIII     Concorso     Internazionale     “Valsesia-Musica”     in    
Varallo,     Italy;     the     XX     “Cidade     de     Ferrol”     Piano     Competition;     the     IX     Premio    
Internazionale    Pianistico    “A.    Scriabin”    in    Grosseto,    Italy;    and    the    VI    “Compositores    
de    España”    International    Competition    of    Las    Rozas    de    Madrid.    As    a    consequence    of    
these     successes,     Juan     Lago     performed     his     first     European     tour     and     his     first    
recording    of    an    album    for    “Radio    Clásica,”    Spanish    National    Radio,    featuring    works    
by    Beethoven,    Scriabin,    and    Bartók.
Juan     Lago     has     performed     in     Spain,     Portugal,     Italy,     France,     the     Netherlands,    
Belgium,     Germany,     Switzerland,     England,     Russia,     Latvia,     Turkey,     United     States,    
China,    South    Korea    and    all    major    cities    in    Spain    as    a    recitalist,    chamber    musician    
and     as     concerto     soloist     playing     under     conductors     such     as     Ovidiu     Balan,     Emin    
Guven     Yasliçam,     José    Ramón     Encinar,     Ernest    Martínez     Izquierdo,     Joachim     Jousse,    
José    Luis    Martínez    and    Francisco    de    Gálvez    among    others,    as    well    with    orchestras    
such     as     the     Orchestra     Sinfonica     Siciliana     (Italy),     “Mihail     Jora”     Philharmonic    
Orchestra     of     Bacau     (Rumania),     Çukurova     State     Symphony     Orchestra     (Turkey),    
Istambul    Chamber    Orchestra    (Turkey),    and    the    Spanish    Orquesta    de    la    Comunidad    
de    Madrid,    Orquesta    de    Córdoba,    Orquesta    de    Valencia    and    Orquesta    Sinfónica    de    
Lago     has     appeared     as     a     master     artist     at     the     Washington     International     Piano    
Festival    (Washington,    D.C.,    U.S.A.); the    Festival    del    Mediterráneo    at    the    Palau    de    les    
Arts     (Valencia,     Spain),     directed     by     Zubin     Mehta;     Talent     Music     Summer     Courses    
(Brescia,     Italy);     Hochschule     für     Musik     und     Tanz     in     Cologne     (Germany);     Musical    
Krasnogorsk    (Moscow,    Russia);    Schubertiaden    Schnackenburg    (Germany);    Festival    
de     Vila-seca     (Spain); Alion     Baltic     International     Music     Festival or     Semaine    
Internationale    Piano    et    musique    de    chambre    (Blonay,    Switzerland).
As     an     avid     chamber     musician,     Juan     Lago     has     collaborated     with     violinists     Vasco    
Vassilev,     Alissa     Margulis     and     Santiago     Juan,     violist     Santiago     Cantó,     cellist    
Alexander    Buzlov    and    Iván    Balaguer    and    pianist    Belén    Navarro.
He     has     presented     lectures     at     Universidade     de     Aveiro     (Portugal),     Hochschule     für    
Musik     und     Tanz     Köln     (Germany),     Hochschule     für     Musik     Aachen     (Germany),    
Gulangyu    Conservatory    of    Xiamen    (China),    Latvian Academy    of    Music,    Riga    (Latvia)
or    Conservatorio    José    Iturbi    of    Valencia (Spain).
Juan     Lago     is     the     Founder     and     Artistic     Director     of Campillos     International     Piano    
Competition     since     2007,     Piano     Department Director     of Valencia     International    
Performance     Academy     and     Festival     (VIPA)     and     Artistic     Director     of     Malaga    
International    Piano    Festival    (FIPMA).    In    addition,    he    is    the    Artistic    Director    of    the    
“Amadeus”    piano    concert    series.
He    is    often    invited    to    serve    as    a    jury    member    in    competitions    like    Cantù    (Italy),    S.    
Rachmaninoff     (Moscow,     Russia),     F.     Chopin     (Hartford,     CT.     USA),     Parnassós    
(Monterrey,    Mexico)    and    many    others.
Since     1999,     Juan     Lago     has     served as     professor     of     piano     at     the     “José     Iturbi”    
Conservatory     of Valencia,    where     he     became     piano     department     Chair    in     2010.    He    
has    also    been     teaching piano    performance    at     the    Talent    Music    Master    Courses    in    
Brescia,    Italy,    since    2017.    Currently    Juan    Lago    is    teaching    piano    at    the    Qatar    Music    
Academy by     the     Qatar     Foundation.     His     students     have     been     awarded     numerous    
times    in    international    and    Spanish    competitions.
Lago     holds     a     Master’s     degree     in     Performance     and     Musical     Research     from     the    
Valencian     International     University;     an     Artist     Diploma     from     the     Amsterdam    
Conservatorium,     where     he     studied     under     the     tutelage     of     Professor     Jan     Wijn;     a    
Bachelor’s     degree     from     the     Royal     Conservatory     of     Music     in     Madrid,     where     he    
studied    with    Professor    Ana    Guijarro,    and    a    degree    from    the    Conservatorio    Superior    
de    Málaga    (Professional    Degree),    where    he    studied    with    Professor     Juan     J.    Peralta.    
He     has     also     been     influenced     by     pianists     Gyorgy     Sebok,     Eugen     Indjic,     Stanislav    
Pochekin,    Imre    Rohmann,    Claudio    Martínez    Mehner    and    Leonel    Morales.